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Extermital Termite & Pest Control provides the highest quality Rodent Control and Exterminating Services in Ohio, Indiana and Northern Kentucky. We service residential and commercial customers in Dayton and Greater Cincinnati.
With almost 80 years of experience, Extermital Termite & Pest Control has the experience and skill to handle any extermination situation related to rats or mice.Typically these pests are controlled with traps, baits, and rodent exclusion work, which helps to reduce places where they can harbor.
Unfortunately mice live wherever humans live. These rodents have a remarkable ability to adapt and survive. As they forage for food, they will inadvertently contaminate food storage areas, and damage buildings, and other property by their constant gnawing and burrowing. They also can spread diseases to people and pets.
Mice like rats are nocturnal. They have a keen sense of hearing, smell, taste, and touch, however there vision is poor. They use these heighten senses to constantly explore and learn about their surroundings and they memorize their pathways, and food sources. To compensate for their poor vision, rodents quickly detect and tend to avoid new objects, even if it is in a familiar environment. Because of this, Baits and traps are avoided for a few days following placement.
Mice prefer to feed on cereal grains and are herbivores. , but will eat almost any type of food. They require very little water,because they obtain most of their water needs from their food. They also store extra food in burrows and other hiding places.
Adult house mice are small and slender, and are about 1 to 2 inches in length not including the tail. The tail is as long as the body and head combined. An adult can weigh anywhere from ½ ounce to 1 ounce. Relative to their size, they have large ears and small eyes. Their fur color usually varies from light grey to brown, or darker colors.
As the outside temperature drops mice seek warmer living areas, which can include homes. Mice choose safe hiding places as their nests. After they establish their nest they begin burrowing and making paths. The paths they create link their nests to their food sources. They compose their nest out of any soft material they can find, but most commonly leaves, paper, and grass. Mice live in one nest for their entire life. They will only search for a new nesting area if their food source becomes scarce. Mice are difficult to eradicate and like rats, they have plague mankind for countless centuries, here is some reference material on mouse control.
At Extermital Termite & Pest Control, we offer two rodent reduction methods, trapping and poisoning. However, prevention is key to avoid future infestations and we consult our clients on the best prevention methods for the conditions.
What to Look for in Your Home & Prevention
Since rodents are so small and secretive, people are often unaware that they have rodents living right alongside them – in wall voids, attic spaces, between floors, beneath the house, or behind a cabinet.
People often discover rodent infestations by the tell-tale signs of rat or mouse droppings or gnawed food packages. Sometimes they are noticed when items are taken out of storage. Sometimes they are only discovered by chance when some repairman or serviceman has to access an attic or crawl space. Because they are so elusive a periodic home inspection is a very good idea.
A periodic inspection is always a good idea. Start by looking rodent entry points such as: ill-fitting door jambs, gaps around plumbing or wiring. Also note improperly stored food items, including pet foods, and so on. The goal with the inspection is to find weak areas that rodents will use for access.
Even trees which give rodents access to roof eaves should be carefully noted.
In order to avoid attracting or feeding rodents one of the most useful things a homeowner can do is avoid over feeding pets, especially outdoors.
Also, pet food must be stored in large pails, preferably metal, with tight fitting lids. We’ve encountered many instances where holes were gnawed at the base of pet food bags and plastic garbage-type pails. Whole mouse nests are occasionally found within the base of pet food containers!
Poor sanitation and garbage is an open invitation for a rat infestation. Good sanitation will efficiently limit the number of rats that can survive in around your home.
You should always practice good housekeeping and proper storage and handling of food products around your house. Good sanitary practices will not completely eliminate the possibility of a rat infestation, but will make your home less suitable for them to thrive.
The most successful rat control procedure is to build them out and make their access to your living area as much as impossible. All small holes and opening should be sealed shut.
At Extermital Termite & Pest Control, we take great pride in our organization and strongly believe that our services should always exceed our customer’s expectations. Our highly competent professional staff is always eager to help you with any of your exterminating needs.
Serving Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana
“Take care of the customers you have, and you’ll always have customers to take care of!”.
Your satisfaction is our goal. If you aren’t completely satisfied, we will work with you until you are.
Terry Teague - President of Extermital.