Bed Bugs In The Fall And Winter Months

Bed Bugs In The Fall And Winter Months

Bed Bugs in the Fall and Winter Months: While bed bugs can be less active in the winter, they can still survive as long as they have food to eat. They can survive for several reasons. First of all, mildly cold temperature does not kill bed bugs and their eggs.

It has been scientifically proven that only a temperature of about 16 Celsius and below can kill bed bugs and their eggs. And they have to be exposed to this extreme temperature for up to 80 straight hours before they die.

But who will subject his/her apartment to such extreme temperature? Bed bugs live in hidden parts of chairs, tables and beds and these hidden parts are usually warmer than the other parts of the house. So, there are quite comfortable even in the cold days of winter.

Where do they go?

Naturally, when you’re ready for bed, you will hide yourself under the warmth of your duvet. This makes your bed even more suitable for bed bugs as they will also enjoy the warmth of your bed.
Apart from bed warmth, during winter, you will definitely make your whole house warm. This is exactly where bed bugs thrive.

In short, bed bugs survive winter because the conditions that will eliminate them will also be unbearable for the human occupants of every house. This is the major reason bed bugs will continue to thrive in houses as long as human beings live in it.

Even though bed bugs are not harmful to humans, they can cause a big embarrassment for you in public. They can hide in corners of your shirt without you even noticing and they will only come out when you are in the midst of your friends or colleagues! Nothing can be more embarrassing.

When you notice bed bugs in your house, the best thing is to hire an expert to come and inspect the extent of infestation after which he or she will come for proper bed bug treatment. A lot of people make the mistake of fumigating just once. The fumigation should be at least twice with an interval of 7 to 14 days.

The second session of fumigation is to get rid of the offspring from the eggs that may have found a way to survive the first fumigation.

The second way to prevent the infestation of bed bugs is to avoid buying used sets of furniture and if you have to buy them, it is better to fumigate them before taking them into your home or apartment. This is because they may have been infested by bugs before being sold out.

Sometimes you may lodge hotel or in the same room with someone who has been infested. Some of the bugs will move into your luggage and you will go back home with “uninvited guests”.

This is the main reason you should wash all your clothes immediately after a trip. Some people even prefer to soak their clothes in a very hot water before washing them.

If you think you might have a bed bug infestation in your home or office, please give us a call. We can eliminate the problem for you.

Use the contact form on this page or give us a call today and speak with one of our highly trained representatives. We are here to help. 866-667-5898

Bed Bugs In The Fall And Winter Months

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